Pokemon heart gold elite four
Pokemon heart gold elite four

Its secondary stat increases the wielder’s attack, and the special skill boosts it by a further 20%. If you want to maximize the Elemental Absorption effect from Sayu’s Skill, the Wolf’s Gravestone claymore is a good option. Sayu’s biggest assets are her Skill and Burst, and you can build her to enhance either one. Genshin Impact Sayu build guide | The best Sayu build Either way, the best choice is building Sayu’s attack to take advantage not just of her own damage potential, but the Elemental Absorption effect her Skill triggers as well. Sayu has good Elemental DPS potential, but like a few other four-star characters, she also comes with healing options.

pokemon heart gold elite four

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pokemon heart gold elite four pokemon heart gold elite four

Sayu retains just as much of her potential in our F2P build as well. She might not shatter the competition like Ayaka, but Sayu has strong ability to chain Elemental Reactions across a wide swathe of the battlefield. The best Genshin Impact Sayu build transforms the work-shy ninja into an Anemo powerhouse or a potent healer, depending on what you need.

Pokemon heart gold elite four